Thursday, May 13, 2010

3. Under the Influence of...Music? blog by Tara Parker-Pope

I was thinkging today, that this blog about Music as negative influence however, might be exaggerating some aspects of the issue. For instance, there is nothing wrong with the fact that “nearly 9 out of 10 adolescents and teens have an MP3 player or a compact disc player in their bedrooms”. What's wrong with having an MP3 player, the thing is how do we use them. This fact proves the importance of music in teenagers’ lives more than any other media. That is why we need to be more cautious, as children feed on music and music videos. They get spiritual nourishment and idea about life most effectively from music.

“Music is well-known to connect deeply with adolescents and to influence identity development, perhaps more than any other entertainment medium,” said the study authors.
That's exactly what I am talking about! So, be more attentive, as media channels will air outrageous musical content as long as it earns some money and follows some principles of ethics. Follow the link below to read the full blog by Parker-Pope:

Yeah, and when I watch this video, I become really, really, REALLU curious to try some of these:, have a look, do you get the same feeling? The song is one of my favorited by the way.

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