Monday, May 24, 2010

Classmates´ blogs

I started with looking at Tatia Kukhalashvilis blog which seemed very actual for me as the issue set in the blog personally affects my life. I found some useful information there, as well as ejoyed the pictures of skinny, unhealthy models and some actresses. If you are interested in Media portrayals of women, than it is the right place to go and do some reading.

Another blog I visited belonged to Baia Dzagnidze, speaking of sex in mass media. I commented one article which was particularly about pornography in the internet and children that actually visit these pages and might have some hamrful outcome on their behavior and perceptions. I thought it is also closely correlated to our contemporary life, however there is no specific solution to the problem, that was why I was interested of Baia´s opinion about who is responsible and how can we prevent teenagers from negative influence of Sex in mass media.

I visited Denis´s page about stereotyping several days ago and found it very emotional, but somehow very subjective. It was about how Russians are stereotyped as Vodka addict homeless dirty people, however another side of the coin was completely ignored. I just added that people throughout the world respect Russian literature, music, art and it is very lame to ignore all of that. For more information you can read article here:

Peter Cizek spoke of some interesting issues in his blog about media taking away our privacy. There were interesting examples in support of his thesis as well as good links that I followed such as: California Paparazzi Lawyer where you can find basic information about the anti-papparazzi law, such as history, basic criminal facts or dates. I Advertising nowadays plays vital role on our lives, so Vivian´s blog was very helpful also in terms that it provided infrmation about how buzzmarketing and advertising are related and how does advertisments try to manipulate with our minds. One article is headlined: Children and Advertisment. Some clever ideas and link proving that ads affect kids are presented there. I found it very educational and engaging.

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