Yesterday, I came across a very interesting article on New-York Times blog by Tara Parker-Pope which I found extremely effective, because it included various statistics and researches proving my opinion about negative influence of popular music. The article was titled “Under the Influence of… Music?”
It turned out to be that, one in three popular songs contains explicit references to drug or alcohol use according to a report in The Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine.
93 songs out of 279 most popular songs of 2005 according to Billboard magazine, portrayed substance abuse, 23.7% depicted alcohol use, 13.6 % depicted marijuana use and 11.5% depicted other or unspecified substance use. Okay I might disagree here, because lyrics which contain substance abuse might not destroy lives of teenagers and it is unacceptable to live and raise children in complete vacuum, but the fact that music as art became something associated with substance abuse or violence, something nasty indeed, is pretty upsetting to me. You can find the chart above on the following link:
The whole fun from music is taken out. Instead of becoming more playful and brighter, music goes near to violence, alcohol and drugs which are considered to be symbols of “freedom”; and music on its behalf is the way to freedom and no one can restrict artists from self expressionism. Okay, nobody argues that people must not be free to express their ideas. Express what you want, but when you bother me, with your expressionism, than it becomes violation of my rights.
Obviously Tara Parker-Pope agrees with me upon this statement as her article speaks against so called art which actively promotes drug abuse and violence.
Obviously Tara Parker-Pope agrees with me upon this statement as her article speaks against so called art which actively promotes drug abuse and violence.
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